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OSCHINA 成立于2008年8月,是目前国内最大的开源技术社区,拥有超过300万会员,形成了由开源软件库、代码分享、资讯、协作翻译、讨论区和博客等几大频道内容,为IT开发者提供了一个发现、使用、并交流开源技术的平台。2013年,OSCHINA 建立大型综合性的云开发平台-Gitee,为中国广大开发者提供团队协作、源码托管、代码质量分析、代码评审、测试、代码演示平台等功能。


Open Source China (OSC) founded in August 2008 is the largest open source community in China. It has more than 3 million registered members and Alexa ranking 837 in the world. OSC provides multiple channels including news, forum, code sharing, blogs, and translation, etc to help local developers study and utilize open soure technology .

In 2013,  OSC established a large scale software developement cloud to provide a full stack of SAAS services such as source code management, project management, team collabration, code review, demonstration PAAS platform, etc.

We always spare no efforts to keep providing development cloud services to improve local open source eco-system.